The House System
The tradition of the House System is widely used in Britain, and schools that have modelled themselves after the British—in countries with past colonial ties—have similarly adopted this practice. The system began in boarding schools in which students actually ate, drank, and slept in individual houses during school terms. The house system still operates this way in prestigious schools around the world.
At Villanova, the house system has many benefits. The houses provide not only an increased feeling of identity and belonging, but they also provide students with a sense of tradition and leadership opportunities.
Villanova College has four houses, each named for an Augustinian saint:
St. Augustine, St. Monica, St. Nicholas and St. Rita
Students earn points for their Houses throughout the year, which culminate in the much anticipated annual House Olympics each May. The House system and Teacher Advisor Program are linked, as all students are assigned a Teacher Advisor based on their house. In this way, we reinforce the feeling of identity and belonging, and build Unitas—unity—at Villanova.
The House System at Villanova College is designed to encourage both community and friendly competition between students in a supportive and inclusive environment.