Each Fairway Sponsor will receive:
- Complimentary registration for 1 foursome or 4 golfers;
- One unique corporate logo and recognition as Fairway Sponsor based on your selected sponsorship (as noted below);
- Corporate logo and recognition as Fairway Sponsor on sponsorship banner at tournament;
- Corporate logo placement in post-tournament communication to be sent to VC current and alumni communities.
Available Fairway Sponsorship Opportunities
On-Course Food/Beverage Station Sponsor (3 available) - Corporate logo displayed at on-course food/beverage station.
Breakfast Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at breakfast and at registration station.
Beverage Cart Sponsor (2 available) - Corporate logo displayed on beverage cart and drink tickets.
Wine Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed on tables during lunch.
Coffee Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at on-course coffee station.
Scorecard Sponsor - Corporate logo printed on each scorecard.
Golf Ball Sponsor - Corporate logo custom imprinted on a sleeve of 3 golf balls included in each golfer appreciation bag.
Raffle Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at raffle station and recognition as raffle sponsor during live draw.
Decor Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed on tables during lunch.
On-Course Contest Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at on-course contest station.
Wellness Station Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at wellness station and unique opportunity to spotlight your wellness focus product or service.
Ice Cream Station Sponsor - Corporate logo displayed at ice cream station.
Other - Looking for a different Fairway Sponsorship opportunity? Let's talk!
Click here to become a Fairway Sponsor