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Welcome to Villanova College, York Region's only Catholic Independent School. Our website is a great place to begin exploring the VC community, our programs, our facilities, and the many opportunities offered to our 600 students. We hope that the images, facts, and stories here will acquaint you with our school community. Of course, the best way to find out what the VC experience is really like is to visit first-hand and meet our outstanding students and faculty.

Our admissions team is ready to assist you, from the time of your initial inquiry through to your enrolment at Villanova College. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at or call 905-833-1909 and ask for Admissions.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon,

Jennifer Gray
Director of Admissions
905-833-1909 ext. 367




Daniella Boucher
Admissions Coordinator
905-833-1909 ext. 368

Admissions Calendar

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