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Board of Governors

St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School (Villanova College) was established on December 1, 1998 as a not for profit corporation incorporated by Letters Patent under the Corporations Act (Ontario) on June 2, 1999 and is registered with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charitable organization.

The Board of Governors consists of members of the community and others appointed in accordance with the Board's by-laws.


The key roles of the Board are to:

  • Set organizational direction – primarily through strategic planning;
  • Provide oversight and evaluation – overseeing financial management of budget and assets, supporting and evaluating the President;
  • Ensure school has necessary resources to carry out its mission.

The Board's intent is to ensure that Villanova College remains strong and vibrant for the next generation of students. The Board works in partnership with the President to ensure that the mission of the school is achieved.


Mission Villanova College is an independent Catholic Augustinian school committed to excellence and dedicated to the education of young people, engaging them in their spiritual, intellectual, physical and social development.

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