Villanova College is an independent, Catholic school committed to the Augustinian values of unitas, veritas and caritas, meaning unity, truth and love. Since 1999, the School has prepared young men and women for university, for leadership and for life. Villanova educates its students in a caring environment focused on academics while maintaining a balance between spirituality, arts, athletics and community involvement.
Villanova is a tightly knit family that supports and challenges students in grades 4 through 12, as they become independent critical thinkers so that they may lead with integrity. Challenge, community, care and respect are the key characteristics of our school. Our high academic standards are supported by a caring and involved faculty that serves to help each student reach his/her potential. Villanova College is a special place that recognizes and takes great pride in our students' academic achievements, aptitude in the performing arts, athletic excellence, extensive Christian Service and proud community spirit.
To learn more about the Villanova experience, please contact Ms Jennifer Gray at admissions@villanovacollege.ca or by phone at 905.833.1909 extension 367.
Faithfully yours,
Paul Paradiso
Mission Villanova College is an independent Catholic Augustinian school committed to excellence and dedicated to the education of young people, engaging them in their spiritual, intellectual, physical and social development.